Sunday, March 7, 2010

Christenson Response

Immediatley I was thrown off by the introduction. I could not figure out what she was talking about, then suddenly I felt like I was reading Delpit or something. Again we learn that we recieve most or all of our views and opinions about all matters that we are dealing with in this class from very early ages. Also from watching Disney movies like "Peter Pan", that is crazy. There are a lot of good movies out there that I want to show my kids someday, and the fact that they don't teach a good lesson won't stop me, but it just sucks that they could be getting bad ideas according to this author. I do like the quote she took from Dorfman, it says how we get all this bad information from TV, but at the same time we get good information. It seems like no one wants to admit that TV has a good side too, it promotes all sorts of things that are good or helpful to, as well as bad things. It is how you deal with the information you take in that makes you a responsible, mature person. It's true that we are influenced by the media no matter what, but then again we are influenced by every single thing we hear or see. Unless you were born and grew up completely on your own, then there is no way to just be "yourself" because in some point in time everyone is influenced by something or someone. I kinda laughed when I saw the quote "I'm not taking my kids to see any Walt Disney movies until they have a black woman playing the lead role", and now they do! Disney must have received so much bad publicity from not having any black princesses that they have finally decided to put one in. But the question is, is it too late? I found a great youtube video that talked about this topic. They interviewed the voice actress who played the main role. And she said something that makes a whole lot more sense then what most other people say (when they were talking about the color of the prince). She said that first off he isn't white, but secondly it shouldn't be about race, it should be about love. Now that's what I like to hear, someone who see's beyond the racism that others think is being portrayed, and see's the deeper more complex meaning.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with your statement that we are influenced by everything, not just the media. And I agree that there are many good things on TV. I think PBS is a great alternative for parents who are afraid that their children might be getting negative messages from TV, because PBS is very racially diverse and its hard to find anything with it that would offend someone.
